This recipe is a component of the Biryani recipe. This recipe will make approximately 1 cup (10 fl oz, 16 tbsp.), making less than this is not recommended since it becomes difficult to blend small amounts.
Ingredient | Standard | Standard Unit | Weight 1 | Unit 1 | Weight 2 | Unit 2 |
Ginger | 4 (1" diam) | inch | 125 | g | 4.4 | oz |
Garlic | 42 | cloves | 125 | g | 4.4 | oz |
Oil | 1 | tbsp. | 13.6 | g | .5 | oz |
Turmeric | 0.5 | tspn. | | | | |
Object | (Optional) |
Blender | No |
Garlic crusher | Yes |
- Wash and peel Ginger. Cut to 1 inch pieces.
- Peel or crush Garlic.
- Blend Ginger, Garlic, and Oil until smooth.
Eating Now
- Use in recipe
Prep for Eating Later
- Freeze in cubes
Eating Later
- Use frozen cube in recipe.